drawing class in thiruvottiyur

05/11/2024 0 Comments

beautician training in Thiruvottiyur

01/03/2024 0 Comments

BEAUTICIAN Benefits: Our Speciality: 3.80% Practical 20% Theory 5.Beginner, Intermediate and advance courses taken. Class Schedule: 5 Days in a Week (1hrs Per Class) Contact Us HI FI FOUNDATION Address: No, 254 T.H Road , Theradi ( sujatha medicals 2nd floor ) Thiruvottiyur chennai – 600 019. Landline : 04447783551  Mobile and whatsapp number: 9884174775 , …

day care and playschool in Thiruvottiyur 

01/03/2024 0 Comments

DAY  CARE Benefits: Our Speciality: Day Care Timing: Monday to Saturday 09.00Am to 05.00PM Playschool Benefits: Contact Us HI FI FOUNDATION Address: No, 254 T.H Road , Theradi ( sujatha medicals 2nd floor ) Thiruvottiyur chennai – 600 019. Landline : 04447783551  Mobile and whatsapp number: 9884174775 , 9962776630 Mail : hififoundation2013@gmail.com

chess and carrom class in Thiruvottiyur chennai

01/03/2024 0 Comments

The academy is located in Thiruvottiyur , hifi foundation Chess & Carrom class. It has a team of experienced and qualified coaches who use innovative teaching methods to help students improve their chess skills. The academy offers both group and one-on-one coaching sessions, which are tailored to the individual needs of each student. The training …

silambham class in Thiruvottiyur

01/03/2024 0 Comments

Uses of Silambham Class Silambam is the oldest Martial Art of the world, it is the Mother of all Martial Arts and it is one of the Traditional Martial Arts of Tamilnadu. Silambam is the most spiritual Martial Art. It is familiarly known as Silambattam. References in the ancient Tamil epic Silappadikkaram and other works …

hifi foundation gymnastic class in Thiruvottiyur chennai

12/02/2024 0 Comments

Benefits: Gymnastics stimulates cognitive growth Gymnastics develops strong and healthy bones Gymnastics classes develop physical skills Gymnastics encourages confidence and teamwork Gymnastics is great fun for kids of all ages

Guitar class near Thiruvottiyur chennai 

12/02/2024 0 Comments

Benefits: Our Specialty: Class Schedule: Twice in a week (1.5 hrs per class) Week days or Week end classes

Hindi & flute classes in Thiruvottiyur

12/02/2024 0 Comments

Benefits: Our Speciality: 1. Beginer, Intermediate & Advanced Courses. 2.100% Gurantee of improvement in communication. Skills in both Read & Spoken after Completion of Course. Class Schedule: 3 days in a week (1 hrs per class) FLUTE Benefits: Our Specialty: Class Schedule: Twice in a week (1.5 hrs per class) Week days or Week end …

Bharatham class in Thiruvottiyur Bharatham class hifi foundation

12/02/2024 0 Comments

Benefits: Our Speciality: Class Schedule: Twice in a week (1.5 hrs per class) Week days or Week end classes

play school and daycare in tiruvottiyur

21/11/2023 516 Comments

DAY  CARE Benefits: Our Speciality: Day Care Timing: Monday to Saturday 09.00Am to 05.00PM Playschool Benefits: